? ??????????????This Beating Heart? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (26 Ratings)??1997 Grabs Today. 22756 Total Gr
abs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????I Heart Music? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (45 Ratings)??1497 Grabs Today. 13862 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

dear american people today we are here to talk about our educational programs . We should forget about un popular textbooks . we should put flat screen tv's in every class room . hey at least little jr won't watch tv all the time .hey parents are you tired of that superstition little jr isn't doing that assignment he got . WELL don't well email it to you. we will also be adding a jungle to teach kids about survival. If they get hurt it's not intentional but we will treat it. obviously we need a zoo for stimulation and we will throw in an aquarium and a stadium. the taks is to irratating so we need a more understandable test in a interesting diolouge. Who needs the alphabet it' all alphabetical and alphabetized. Who needs homophones if they sound the same they are the same . And who needs quotation marks those lines and dots. with our school they will learn to photocopy and write paragraphs . In this school you will become a general or a champion in the industrial compony . they will build a monument of this school.

Monday, May 17, 2010

my creature

one day i was walking along when i saw a leopard hunting a woolly rat. the leopard jumped to get the rat the i heard a big noise i turned around and saw a spotted rat . I new it couldn't be because it was just a meteor i thought the rat had been burnt . I took the rat gave it half of a granola bar and put it in my bag. I also put my jacket around it. We started walking to the vets tent. I knew they were here because a new species was found . It started to rain so i took the sweater and the rat out i put on my jacket and put the rat under my arm . i put on my hood and ran . Then we approached the tent ,to my surprise the doctor said he was o.k but he didn't know what 'it' was . He knew it was a woolly rat but he said it also looked like a leopard .I told him the whole story and he said that they were mashed together . He said he wanted to study it but in order to he needed to take it i said it was o.k and told him to drop it by my house. He asked why i wanted his body . And i said i don't want his body i want the rat then it all made sense he needed to kill it . I took the rat and went home .

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Some systems are considered transport for the body because . The circulatory system helps blood flow through your body therefore it is transportation. The respiratory system helps you breath in good air and breath out bad air . It is considered transport because it's moving the air we breath. The digestive system moves the food into the stomach and breaks it down .
And the excretory system moves wastes out of the body.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

the TAKS

Well I took the TAKS test and the reading and math done so now I have to wait for my results and then take the science. Honestly I think I did good. On the math the most I think I could miss is one. Then on the read well I think that I got a perfect paper. Anyways the math was fun and all but I had to think a lot on some of them. I even had to go back on some. On the reading it was kind of boring. But the stories were interesting. I like the story about how they prepare food to be photographed. I also liked the story with the dog in it. But the best part of the day was when I was done I am almost finished with my book I was reading but I also got to sleep. Now I have to start to study my science and hope for the best on it .It didn’t turn out like I thought it would. In fact it was a little easier than I expected.
Well before I took the TAKS I was not all oh my gosh there’s the TAKS test, in fact I was like, well here we go again. Well I did what I did last year and last and I aced it last time. I don’t care how long it took me because when I get commended {like last year} I don’t really think about that. All I think about is how I worked my butt off all day. Anyways, My goal was to get commended and if I set the goal I am going to make it. Any ways I think I did only miss one if any on the math because of this question about some plants and how much they grew. Come to think of it I better not miss one because when I was done I went back and redid all of the problems and I mean all of the problems. After that I checked the answer sheet to make sure it matched with the test. After that I read but not for very long because then it was time to go. The following day was the reading test. Well I read the passage with out doing anything to it. Then I looked at the questions highlighted their answer in the passage read what I highlighted and then highlighted anything I missed and then answered the questions. I put where I found the answer so I know it is there. I better not miss anything on it I had to do this to about six or seven passages. But after I was done I tried to go to sleep but couldn’t so I read then went to lunch came back and then I slept until art.


Monday, April 5, 2010

future quest

Well really i don't get why they invented the TAKS test i mean what does it do other than make kids bored all day . Ok so the day of the TAKS it's all Ok here's a test so be bored and by the way you have to pass . Well i think it's better off just learning all day and stuff with occasional benchmark or something i mean can't you just staple two benchmarks together .It would be a lot more easier . Anyways i just don't get it . Maybe it makes sense to some dude who invented it. Well it does kinda make sense to me i mean it's not all the way coming together but get some of it . Well i get why in the world you would make it i mean kids have to show what they know. What i don't get is why they made it so long. That right there is the boring part. But i have to admit it is kinda easy. But that doesn't mean i am letting it slide it needs to be easier .Dude then there's all these things .I mean first you have to not draw outside of the black line on the paper . Well i say that it is my paper and if i want to draw out of the lines i can. Hey at least I'm using my strategies . And we have to fill in the bubbles a certain way . Dude what do you care if i am not the best artist. Anyways it is not going to affect my future { other than make it boring}.

My point the TAKS is whack .

P.S - there is an up side once your done you get to sleep ..........zzzzzzzzzzzz =^.^=

Monday, March 29, 2010

my weekend

my weekend

Well i went to sleep Friday thinking "well tomorrow is Saturday , everything is gonna be good i can watch t.v and all that" well i was wrong . I woke up sick and i tried to get out of bed but instead i threw up the didn't get out of bed half the day . Well it did get boring so i said what am i doing here and i tried to get up .I thought if i ran down the stairs and jumped on the couch i would be fine .I tried it and it worked up to when i got down the stairs . Then i fell on the floor then started doing something a snake would probably do and started squirming on the tile floor. That worked until the carpet came up i tried to squirm on it but yeah not the best idea around . Well then i tried to suck it up and be a man ........ or a woman and i got started run i made it watched t.v for about 5 minutes and threw up again . And from there i could not move without throwing up . Pretty boring huh

my weekend was horrible

Monday, March 22, 2010

coming back from spring break

well spring break was fun and all and i didn't expect snow yesterday and all that . And coming back to school and stuff yep you guessed it , it kinda boring . I mean last night i couldn't sleep because i was so used to staying up. And today i had to wake up at 6;45. Do you know how hard that is . That 's crazy because usually I wake at about 10;00 and go play on my mom's Face book and feed the cat's and fish down stairs because she's sleeping in { totally not fair} . And now sleeping late and waking up early does not help because of TAKS. I'm trying not to be stressed because i want to do as good as last year. But then again I'm worried .I get so stressed. Why can't we just not have a test and all that . Hey i guess we could have an early summer instead of preparing for it . Then again why are we in school for i guess . But i am really confident i did ace the test so once again pretty confident. And when i get in college i am just gonna leave TAKS as it is { but make it a little easier } be cause kids need to test what they know . Any other changes are up to other people. To much work !!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

my weekend

well my weekend was -pretty boring well first i went to the malls salon with my mom i bought my DSI there because it's SO boring there . well we were there about an hour then we went to J C Penny's to get my moms jewelery fixed but they wouldn't so we went to a place where they fixed it in half an hour . While they were fixing it we went to the pretzel place and the pet store. Then we picked up the bracelet and left the mall .Then we went to bed bath and beyond to look for cooking stuff they didn't have it so we went to Walmart to get oil filters and oil .We also got seeds because were going to turn the sand box into a big garden . Then on sunday i woke up and there was a duck in our pool . he was having a good time splashing around . He was brown with black stripes .I told my mom and she said he was a SHE probably . Then i went out side and jump roped and i cleared the sand box from all the dead plants that it had in it . Then i got i worm for the duck in a container by the pool . Then i went inside and my dad was going to change his oil in the garage so i went out to help . Then i was walking around and i found dog prints . I went inside and my mom left for work so i watched T.V all day and about 5:00 the duck came back and took a nice swim after diner and a shower i watched t .v then went to bed .


Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Compare And Contrast Of The Lightning Thief Movie

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

my weekend


My weekend was boring . Well let's start with saturday . Well all the FUN melted last week so were stuck inside the house and its' boring so hey i went to the good old Mr. computer well i did get some new colored pencils though and easter and ST. pats day was coming up so what the heck i just got a few pieces of printing paper and printed up some coloring sheets . Then i went down stairs to find that my dad was playing x-box 360 . So i watched that for a while . The next day it was my dad's b-day so we gave him his birthday present. His present was the second Bioshock so he was happy -another reason to play on the 360 . He didn't play it though - STILL playing fallout - so once again i watched him play it and one of the people who come get mad at him then try to kill him is some hillbilly's who say there going to kill him good . I mean you just walk in the gate step in the swamp and here comes some hillbilly with an axe so that place is crazy .

Thursday, February 18, 2010



If i was a african american farmer from Massachusetts i would vote for abe because he is trying to fight against slavery and slavery is wrong .

If i was a white abolitionist i would vote for abe because he was going against slavery and and abolitionist go's along with abe

if i was a white senator from alabama i would because he would do good things for the town, city, state , or even the whole country !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

Wednesday, January 13, 2010