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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ecosystem observation 3 day seven

observation 3 day seven

Today we did our third observation.It was pretty interesting.Our fish Ashley and Sweet-pea have completely torn up our elodea. Sadly one of the fish in the other groups has died because of water
problems.Also , two crickets died .They ate each other , simply because there was no food resources.Our mustard seed is finally growing, but it's one major food source.That's another reason that the other crickets ate each other. Because they had no food.Our isopods (pill bugs)
are still lazy.The have been like that every time we did an observation.Now back to the fish we are expecting Ashley to have babies. She's gotten bigger and her gravid spot has gotten darker.Our duckweed has been eaten or has died out.Hopefully it reproduces.On the other hand our snails are really active.That's pretty much it