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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

back from war

back from war

knock knock,their was a sound coming from the door who was it i didn't invite anyone over today.So as i ran to the door i wondered who it could be .As i opened the door i heard whoever it was say mom!!!!!!!After i opened the door completely i noticed it was my son.As we went in the house i noticed that he has limping because he had broke his leg.We talked and talked about all that was going on here .Then we talked about the stuff that went on in war.T his took way longer.He said it wasn't very hard at first because there wasn't very many British soldiers because they had thought we weren't strong. But when they found out we were more then just a few men because of our militia.And boy when they bought out all of the soldiers they had it never stopped.There was tons of them.And when they were standing in lines shooting at each other they were a bigger team but on their first turn they shot down the first line of soldiers the British had.But sadly on like the fifth turn the British had they killed his dearest friend and shot a bullet in his leg luckily it wasn't that deep so he could still fight but it hurt to walk.By this time they started to scatter in to the woods.So the rest of the war he was limping around in the woods.When he was in the woods he tripped on a log .But because he was already hurt a trip was good enough to break his leg.By then it was all over.So they had some soldiers taken care of by the other people that lived near the village.Some just wanted to go home and rest.Then he came here.I was just so happy to see him alive.He said he felt like he didn't do anything but get a jacked up leg and lost his friend i said he helped us get another step closer to putting a stop to those mean British.Then he finally noticed it he said he would try to do it again next time there's a war.The next few days were bad all i had to do was stare at this poor boy who can't move at all by now.The pain he must be feeling is probably good enough to do some harm so i took good care of him twenty four seven.About a month later he got better.Then i got a thought what is even gonna happen to the land they fought for.He said he didn't know.I personally think that's kinda stupid . You do a bloody war and you don't even have a reason for land.And plus i used a lot of money for weapons to go to war.Then he just started to fake he was in tons of pain.The truth was he was in no pain at all because the burning from the alcohol i put on his leg earlier made his leg numb so he can't feel anything.It's typically the thing he does , he gets all these things started and fakes something or goes to his room.I guess it's what they all do .That's all the things i went to bed that night with in my head.The next morning i looked in the local news paper to find that they had destroyed the horse stable to steal the horses.I was mad now i had spent a month every day hoping to put that thing together but it kept blowing away each good storm.And i have to pay to build it again or the horses won't have any place to live.Oh wait there is no horses because they stole them so now i have to buy them to or i won't have anything to ride those long miles.And now it's even worse for me cause of taxes.How am i going to live.Dude and i didn't notice but when i walked to the garden {my only food supply that doesn't cost money} it looks like some dudes want to be funny or the war got pretty close because my garden was ruined because someone walked in it.now i have to pay for everything.Now i don't have any money to buy that field for the new fish pond i wanted.In fact i don't have money to live anymore.Then i thought of something the secret stash of money .That would be good enough to live off of until my son got better and we both could get a job.But then still the whole city almost was destroyed so now yeah everyone needs a job.Fast forward a few months. When i answered the door there was a guy who told me that my son would go back to war in a few months .Luckily it left us enough time to celebrate 4Th of July.We invited family over and ate.All we knew was we were free from those mean British dudes.We also learned about what war my son was fighting in .The french and Indian war.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Off to the war mom

Off to war mom

Well ,my son is going to war .I can't believe he got chosen. When i tried to talk to the people who chose him, they said that he was their strongest fighter. They also said that i wasn't the only one who was going through this ,they sent ten other guys to war to .So i went back home i noticed something that i never noticed before, what if he does not come back oh no .Then i went to his room .I talked to him about doing that he said he thought about it to but when he told the guy that said to go to war they said no and that he needed to fight.Then we talked about what we were going to do for the three more days he was here .The idea came up to do something like a farewell party but we didn't have any money.We decided to wake up early and go ride the two horses down to the lake take a swim then go home and eat lunch. The next day we would invite the whole family over then cook for them.Then we would let them stay over night .Then when the truck came to pick him up we would all be there to say good-bye and hope for the best.The next day we woke up at 6:00 in the morning,we brushed the horses feed them a carrot or two{most likely a whole garden full} on the way there we started to talk about things such as why they chose.And what we were going to do until they picked him.We were going to open a small business to get the money we needed for the stupid taxes on the tea and sugar.Then it all winds up as money for the red coats weapons.Then we talked about the Boston Massacre.We both thought about the dude that fired.I mean what kind of knuckle head would think that hold your fire could sound like fire.When we got there it didn't work out because over night it was cold so it froze over.

day 2:The next day the house was full of people .We had fun at first talking and catching up with family members.In fact we had so much fun we forgot to cook.So while i was cooking i felt someone by me it was my cousin Joe bob.He wanted to give me something.It was the book Common Sense by Thomas Paine.We started to talk about it.We said things like yeah I've heard it was pretty much common sense .That was about all though because no one really read it yet .Then the food was ready.Man was it good we had vegetable stew except without carrots cause of a certain issue with the horses.

DAY 3.Farewell goodbye happy trails we all cried as he got into the truck. Then he yelled out these last three days were the best mom!!!!!!!!Every one waved .Then when we got in the house every one was crying while they packed,Then some dude busted in the door and said The Declaration of independence is gonna be written. They have just decided to in the old court house .