Thursday, December 17, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
back from war
back from war
knock knock,their was a sound coming from the door who was it i didn't invite anyone over today.So as i ran to the door i wondered who it could be .As i opened the door i heard whoever it was say mom!!!!!!!After i opened the door completely i noticed it was my son.As we went in the house i noticed that he has limping because he had broke his leg.We talked and talked about all that was going on here .Then we talked about the stuff that went on in war.T his took way longer.He said it wasn't very hard at first because there wasn't very many British soldiers because they had thought we weren't strong. But when they found out we were more then just a few men because of our militia.And boy when they bought out all of the soldiers they had it never stopped.There was tons of them.And when they were standing in lines shooting at each other they were a bigger team but on their first turn they shot down the first line of soldiers the British had.But sadly on like the fifth turn the British had they killed his dearest friend and shot a bullet in his leg luckily it wasn't that deep so he could still fight but it hurt to walk.By this time they started to scatter in to the woods.So the rest of the war he was limping around in the woods.When he was in the woods he tripped on a log .But because he was already hurt a trip was good enough to break his leg.By then it was all over.So they had some soldiers taken care of by the other people that lived near the village.Some just wanted to go home and rest.Then he came here.I was just so happy to see him alive.He said he felt like he didn't do anything but get a jacked up leg and lost his friend i said he helped us get another step closer to putting a stop to those mean British.Then he finally noticed it he said he would try to do it again next time there's a war.The next few days were bad all i had to do was stare at this poor boy who can't move at all by now.The pain he must be feeling is probably good enough to do some harm so i took good care of him twenty four seven.About a month later he got better.Then i got a thought what is even gonna happen to the land they fought for.He said he didn't know.I personally think that's kinda stupid . You do a bloody war and you don't even have a reason for land.And plus i used a lot of money for weapons to go to war.Then he just started to fake he was in tons of pain.The truth was he was in no pain at all because the burning from the alcohol i put on his leg earlier made his leg numb so he can't feel anything.It's typically the thing he does , he gets all these things started and fakes something or goes to his room.I guess it's what they all do .That's all the things i went to bed that night with in my head.The next morning i looked in the local news paper to find that they had destroyed the horse stable to steal the horses.I was mad now i had spent a month every day hoping to put that thing together but it kept blowing away each good storm.And i have to pay to build it again or the horses won't have any place to live.Oh wait there is no horses because they stole them so now i have to buy them to or i won't have anything to ride those long miles.And now it's even worse for me cause of taxes.How am i going to live.Dude and i didn't notice but when i walked to the garden {my only food supply that doesn't cost money} it looks like some dudes want to be funny or the war got pretty close because my garden was ruined because someone walked in i have to pay for everything.Now i don't have any money to buy that field for the new fish pond i wanted.In fact i don't have money to live anymore.Then i thought of something the secret stash of money .That would be good enough to live off of until my son got better and we both could get a job.But then still the whole city almost was destroyed so now yeah everyone needs a job.Fast forward a few months. When i answered the door there was a guy who told me that my son would go back to war in a few months .Luckily it left us enough time to celebrate 4Th of July.We invited family over and ate.All we knew was we were free from those mean British dudes.We also learned about what war my son was fighting in .The french and Indian war.
Posted by Tigger'sThoughts at 8:49 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Off to the war mom
Off to war mom
DAY 3.Farewell goodbye happy trails we all cried as he got into the truck. Then he yelled out these last three days were the best mom!!!!!!!!Every one waved .Then when we got in the house every one was crying while they packed,Then some dude busted in the door and said The Declaration of independence is gonna be written. They have just decided to in the old court house .
Posted by Tigger'sThoughts at 11:04 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
my life as a slave
my life as a slave
day 1
Just another day in West Africa,the slave traders have come again .They are always coming and taking the people in the village.Oh no they have my children .Oh wait if i go out there i might be captured and I'll be a slave.Oh well it's a risk worth taking.Oh,what happened huh am i in a ship wait where did you people come from.Dude they got us but they knocked you out before they put you on the ship because you refused.Well can you tell me what he looked like ,uh he looked like some explorer dude with a feather on his hat and i think you said something that made him mad so he got mad and you started fighting then you refused to get on the ship so they got tired of your crazy babbling and knocked you out.
day 7
Well then we got there .This took several days.During the whole time there was some horrible smell and yesterday i found out what that was .It was the dude behind me had killed himself by refusing to eat.I had never turned around to notice.And one time i threw up on this one guy in front of me because of the conditions that were put in.Finally we arrived.
day 11
Ouch, they just branded me with their fancy letters and such.And i learned that i was going to work in the cotton fields and corn fields.They make us have a 2 minute break and small cabins.In these cabins i have 5 other slaves.Well tomorrow i set off and i try to escape from my prison life as a slave.
Posted by Tigger'sThoughts at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Astro girl
astro girl
warning:this story may be very funny,please keep in mind that this may be disturbing
Oh no the evil , crazy , werid -named mr.maniac has gone really crazy i mean out of control and is going to kill us all with his big fat feet.Uh,you guys he's going near the lake and crying his eyes or whatever crazy fat robots have out.I think that we should go talk to him.So they did.They asked him why he was crying .He said that they made his feelings sad by calling him fat , crazy and stupid.Then a dude yelled out "we never called you stupid"then the maniac said oh that was only in my mind .the there was a flash .It was astro girl and comet cat.Astro girl had a missile for one hand and a invention called the A.R.M.The most powerful weapon in the world.A stands for awsome.R stands for really cool.And m stands for machine.Her side kick comet cat had claws that could shred and teeth that were so strong they could chew through the toughest steel.When astro got there she asked the robot why he smashed the buildings.He said it was because they made his feelings sad.Now don't ask me why he said that.Anyways they told him that they called him fat and crazy.Then some dude yelled"and don't forget stupid"Then the maniac said i thought you didn't say that .The dude said uh we kinda lied because we don't want to die.At that moment the robot atacked .So astro girl and comet cat started attacking him.First comet cat bit the maniac's arm off .Then astro girl shot him in the butt with a missile, that pretty much blew up his butt completly.Next comet cat shreded him up and they blasted him with the A.R.M.
THE END*!!!!!!!!
Posted by Tigger'sThoughts at 6:34 PM 3 comments
Friday, October 16, 2009
come on and try to label me
come on and try to label me
Label me name me call me dumb or lame ,but when you call me that i won't answer cuz that's not my name.
How you name or label me i don't really care ,dude not even if you stare
Label me name me call me stupid or poor ,just because i don't have the clothes hanging on your closet door.
label me name me ,but i will always know in my heart who i am the most and you can;t name that that's the best part.
Posted by Tigger'sThoughts at 11:00 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
My fair day !!!*
My fair day!!!*
My fair day was fun, surprising,and long.First i got up from my warm and cozy bed and got dressed , i put on some random outfit then put on my comfortable tennis shoes .Then i found my shinny,pokadotted,purple fish,this all happened aroud 8:00.Next the wait begins,for the fair to open that is,so i sat on my big ,soft and comfortable couch and began flipping through the many ,awsome t.v channels i like to watch.Finally i found the wonderful show that i had to watch It's me or the dog on Animal Planet.Iwatched that for an hour and then left to go to the fair .Once we arrived we ate a tasty strawberrys and creme funnel cake.Next we looked at the cool but expensive cars .Then we went to the mid way and played the fun games i won a small fish just like my big one.Then we went to the petting zoo with the cute animals.Then we finally ate more good food and went to the terrific birds of the world show the bird was very funny because he could pick up money.After that we left.
Posted by Tigger'sThoughts at 7:23 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 25, 2009
why get aquatic plants??
why get aquatic plants??
I'm writing this entry because the many purposes of aquatic plants people.So back to the question,why get aquatic plants??First plants like elodea and duckweed are beautiful to look at.And algae and water plants keep a healthy swap of gases in the water.These producers are especially important in aquariums and slow moving streams, because they help provide oxygen for animals in the water.These aquatic organisms also provide shelter for smaller organisms such as fish and their babies.Water plants and algae also provide food for fish and water snails.Duckweed is a favorite food for many creatures.Elodea has many leafs that are perfect for small fish to hide until they grow.So you should get some water plants today.Why shouldn't you get water plants*!!!!!!!!
Posted by Tigger'sThoughts at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
ecosystem observation 3 day seven
observation 3 day seven
Today we did our third observation.It was pretty interesting.Our fish Ashley and Sweet-pea have completely torn up our elodea. Sadly one of the fish in the other groups has died because of water
problems.Also , two crickets died .They ate each other , simply because there was no food resources.Our mustard seed is finally growing, but it's one major food source.That's another reason that the other crickets ate each other. Because they had no food.Our isopods (pill bugs)
are still lazy.The have been like that every time we did an observation.Now back to the fish we are expecting Ashley to have babies. She's gotten bigger and her gravid spot has gotten darker.Our duckweed has been eaten or has died out.Hopefully it reproduces.On the other hand our snails are really active.That's pretty much it
Posted by Tigger'sThoughts at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Ecosystems/how we depend on each other
YEAH!Today we finally got our new science projects in.It looks so fun!We even have some live critters.Yesterday we built terrariums with Alfalfa,Rye Grass,Mustardseed, rocks leafs and twigs and finally dirt.In our aquarium we have gravel,elodea, algea,duckweed,snails next comes the best part . . . . . .the mosquito fish.Thats right fish.I cant belive we have real fish in our classroom.The fish look alot similar to guppies,they are supposed to multiply like them to.Anyways we have an eco- system going on,mind you this is going onin two litter bottles.well this is it bye*!!
Posted by Tigger'sThoughts at 12:13 PM 0 comments